Saturday, April 14, 2007

Busy week

This has been a crazy busy week, I write for a local magazine and had a deadline on Friday, I taught a feng shui class and I had to work a couple of days and Friday was my youngest's birthday. Phew. Glad it's over. I did pretty well staying on mostly raw food, ate protein and carbs (very little) only at dinner. It's hard to not eat after 7 and I succeeded except for my daughter's birthday party.
Guests didn't get here til 7 so I did eat salad and a piece of chicken and a teeny teeny bite of cake.
This morning I felt so light that I wanted to weigh myself. That's always a weigh or not to weigh. Most "diet" books recommend weighing once a week, some once amonth and some say never. So I will use my intuition. I will weigh myself when I feel like I've lost or most definitely if I feel like I gained. I want to catch any weight gain before it gets out of hand. But inside I truly feel I am going to be successful in getting trim. It's almost as if I can feel it already. I even had a guy at the grocery store check me out. He might have been looking at my ass and thinking "She's got a fat ass." But he might have also been thinking, "Sweet Butt." Granted he didn't do anything for me, but I did feel good about myself today and people can sense that.
But anyway, back to the scale...I weighed myself and I lost 5 pounds!! 237!! YAY!

Gut Instinct for the week: Stay busy; eat less.

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