Saturday, September 15, 2007

Grocery Shopping--Food is Fuel

Went grocery shopping today and spent way too much money. You always hear it costs more to eat healthier foods. I don't think that is always true, however it is true you have to shop more often and buy more variety so that you can continue to eat healthy. For me, when I run out of the healthy foods I turn to the junk foods that are still in my cabinets because I haven't quite gotten my kids totally into healthy snacking. So I try not to let my cabinets and fridge get too low on fresh veggies and fruits.

Today I went to Trader Joe's first to get some staples that I love such as Pirate's Booty, fresh salsa, guacamole, vegestable nests, frozen organic fruit for my smoothies, natural peanut butter,
feta, goat and mozzarella cheeses. Trader Joe's has great prices. Then it was off to Star Market for the rest of my groceries. Salad stuff, fruits, chicken, beef and pork, coffee (decaf of course), eggs, yogurt, hummus, milk, juice, eggs, paper goods, and Weight Watchers dessserts for those chocolate cravings. Of course, I got my kids some pasta, bagels, Cheez-its, ice cream sandwiches, granola bars, ramen noodles and macaroni and cheese...I don't eat any of those foods anymore and have no desire to either which is huge for me!

I would love to shop at Whole Foods but it is a distance for me plus I do think that some of their prices are higher than a traditional market. All I want to do is eat healthier and when I am on track eating fabulous clean, organic, fresh foods, I feel so much better.

A friend told me once that FOOD IS FUEL and I try to remember that when I want to grab something that I know will not fuel me optimally. Eat something high in sugar and I feel groggy and sluggish and I know my blood sugar is being affected. When I eat a salad filled with fresh veggies, walnuts, goat cheese, dried cranberries, a protein like tuna/chicken and a light dressing I know I am feeding my body well and it responds in kind.

Food is fuel but that's not all it is to me. Food is something to enjoy. To savor. To appreciate. Eating should be a pleasurable experience. That's why God gave us taste buds.

Gut Instinct: Shop for healthy foods=eating healthy foods. Food is Fuel. Food is Pleasurable.

1 comment:

dgmull said...

Keep up the good's worth it! Keep moving...walk around the block, climb the stairs, vacuum. Just keep moving...YOU'RE WORTH IT!