Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Boot Camp: the day I almost cried

Woke to a lovely day but I had a slight headache. Boot camp with a headache will be an experience but I don't want to miss a day. I'm like a little kid, hating missing things.I dragged my butt, got dressed but only had time to eat a banana and half a EAS Myoplex protein shake.

First one there again and as I scan the white board for the day's activities, I can feel my heart and head pound even louder. Every exercise involves JUMPING and there will be not one, but TWO half mile runs. My body felt tired already but Cyndi assured me that today's workout will invigorate me. But jumping with a headache?? UGH, No complaining is allowed at boot camp but I did tell Cyndi I had a headache so she'd know why I might not work up to my potential. After doing a series of jumping jacks, jumping lunges, jumping jacks and more it was time for the first 1/2 mile run. I am not a runner and when I do run it is not with long strides. I have short, perhaps some would call stubby, legs. My legs are strong but I don't have a lot of endurance in my legs or more so in my lung capacity. I ran the first 1/4 mile at a slow pace so I could try to keep up. I kept on running the 1/4 mile back and I still had two laps to do. Cyndi ran along with me motivating me to continue. "You can do it. You're almost there.Remember why you're here." I made it. One lap. The second lap I started out running but slowed to a walk the rest of the way. On my way back up I felt like I could run but my hamstrings were screaming, STOP! I felt like crying. This was the first time since starting boot camp I could have cried. My legs hurt, my head hurt, my lungs hurt. So I race walked and again Cyndi called out encouragement and she said, "This is when you're in the fat burning zone. Keep going." Huffing and puffing I made it back to the starting line!! Yay! Cyndi said, "I'm proud of you." And you know what, I'm proud of myself too. I wanted to give up but I didn't. When it hurts, it becomes more of a mental challenge than a physical one to keep going.

Gut Instinct: Your mind is stronger than your body and can get you through anything. Remember the old saying, "Mind over Matter."

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