Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Boot Camp-weights and men

Middle of week 2 boot camp and admittedly I am a little tired of working out everyday (well Mon-Fri to be exact). Don't get me wrong. I still love boot camp but I could use a break. The momentum is hard to maintain but I am not quitting...HEAR ME LOUD AND CLEAR...I am not quitting. I'm in this for the full 4 weeks. This is for me, my health, my family.

I have callouses on the palms of my hands. I think it's from the weights and also from supporting my body when I do push-ups and plank and pike (like a downward dog) but I noticed them hurting today. We did alot of weight lifting activities today. We had partners to work out with so that made it fun and challenging. There were two men dropping into our class today. It's a little weird for me to work out so closely with men around. Sure, there would be men at the gym I used to go to but this is such a small and intimate group that I sometimes get a little self-conscious. Surprisingly, today I didn't. They were really nice and friendly. big guys too, and kind of cute. I think they're firefighters or EMTs.

I ran the full 1/4 mile today without walking in between which is a first for me so I MUST be building endurance. I patted myself on my back, thank you very much. I'm also getting better at doing burpees. They're my least favorite exercise that we do (well that or push-ups) and Cyndi thinks I can do them but I let my mind tell me I can't. I do a modified version because I just can't lift my legs up in a jump behind me when I am bent over at the waist. She said it is something to with the flexibility in my hip joints. Check out their website at and click on fitness and boot camp and you can see a video of people doing burpees as well as some other exercises we do.

Two more days this week and then the weekend rest, except I have to work all weekend. UGH.

Gut Instinct: Pat yourself on your back for all your successes, no matter how small or how big.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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