Monday, November 12, 2007

The First Time

I skipped boot camp today for the first time. I woke up and got dressed to go, but my chest hurt and I felt out of breath. I ate a clementine, took my blood pressure pills and vitamins but still didn't feel like myself. My head was foggy and not quite right all over. Maybe it's over tiredness, maybe it's a cold coming on, maybe my body just wanted another day of rest.

I kept thinking that I would go and stop if I couldn't breathe or something hurt. But I decided to listen to my body and stay home. Plus my kids are home today because of Veterans Day, even though one of my kids has plans in Boston today. I watched a movie (Face-Off) with my youngest and her "boy" friend. I have to work tonight too so that played a part. I can't afford to call in sick so better to stay home and take it easy. hope to go back tomorrow. Will wait and see how I feel.

I have to make a doctor appointment so I can ask about changing my blood pressure meds to see if it makes a difference in my weight loss. Also on my list today is to transfer to Commonwealth care insurance otherwise there is a fine if I don't have insurance by December 1st.

My dryer isn't working. My heat isn't working and my dishwasher is not cleaning the dishes well. It seems like every year at this time, things break. Last year it was my oven and my fridge. UGH! All these things have to be taken care of this week but I get overwhelmed by it all. But like well-known life coach Cheryl Richardson says,

"Inaction=Anxiety. Action=Peace of Mind."

So I know once I cross those things off my to-do list I will feel less anxious and overwhelmed.

Gut Instinct: Listen to your body. Your body knows. The body is beautiful, brilliant and blessed.


Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better tomorrow. Sometimes we need a putter and rest and "off" day to get back on and to whatever is calling us. And, with the weight of the appliances not working either, I'm not surprised you feel off. I love that quote about inaction = anxiety. Action = peace of mind. I love it. It's easy to forget that when we take a step, however small, we have both energy and relief but if we stay still (in stuckness as opposed to rest) sometimes we feel more entrenched in stuck. IF I were a doctor or nurse I might say call a doctor if you don't feel better.... :)
sea glass girl

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better too Dottie, glad you rested & didn't go, you have a lot on your shoulders & I commend you for all you do for your girls, your a wonderful person & I love ya & glad I get to work with you. Appliances suck, thats what I say about that, always a problem in my home, right now my dishwasher won't drain, my kitchen sink is full of greace (?) from a pan of tacos I made on Halloween, Paul is about to kill me, ugh! Like anonymous said, if you still don't feel well, dr. time my dear!!