Monday, November 12, 2007

First week redux and home gyms

I survived...again...the first week of boot camp. Still fun and challenging but different. Maybe it's because I know what to expect. Not sure what I'll be doing next month, whether taking some time off (=more Xmas money) or do the metabolic training. Regardless, I probably will do the first boot camp they offer next year in April. I know I have to keep moving whether I work out at Cynergy, at home or at my old gym. I feel better physically and mentally after a workout.
In a way, I find it to be meditative. I wrote in an earlier blog that I close my eyes during some of the exercises. Cindy (the trainer) asked, "Are you going to your happy place?" And in a way, I am. When I close my eyes I can focus, push myself and complete the reps. It works for me.

I also want to set up a "home gym or workout area" so that I can continue fat burning and muscle building without having to leave home. I have weights but would like to add some heavier ones, one or two kettle bell weights, a slant bench, a step, and if I could find a way I'd love to add a chin-up bar and rings. Plus maybe a couple of medicine balls. Ideally I would love a rowing machine because it works every part of your body. But I would use a treadmill too especially on the too cold or too hot to walk outside days.

I would love to hear from anyone who has set-up their own home gym.

Gut Instinct: Move everyday, at home or at a gym. Your body will love you for it.

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