Friday, October 5, 2007

Boot Camp: Week One Done!

Day 5

The final day this week for boot camp. Yay! I made it one full week. Only three (gulp) more weeks to go! I can do it. I can do it.

My body didn't hurt at all this morning. Wow, I'm surprised. But I can feel my muscles getting stronger every day. Amazing.

Apprehensive about what to eat before camp. I didn't get up early enough to eat 2 hours beforehand. So I went light. I had an apple and BabyBel cheese. Cyndi is away today for a wedding in Cleveland, so Kara, a client and some time assistant, is leading boot camp today. I met her my first day. She's cute, motivating and fun. A heavy set younger girl assisted and I spoke with her afterwards. She did boot camp all summer and has been working with Cyndi since February. She's now in the advanced Metabolic Training and has lost 35 pounds. She did all the exercises with no problem. She's very inspirational.

We did some fun stretching exercises across the parking lot such as those programs football players do...shuffles, high kicks, butt kicks and karaoke (walking sideways with one foot crossing over the other).
Today we would be broken into two teams (and we had a few missing women but a couple of different women from another boot camp) and we would be playing cards...well using, let me explain. Each card number is the number of reps of an exercise that you'd do and the suit represents a particular exercise. One exercise for each suit. For example, hearts were squats, diamonds were sit-ups, clubs were burpees, and spades were push-ups. So a ten of diamonds meant you did 10 reps of sit-ups. When a joker was drawn you'd run a lap and come back and all reps would be doubled until another joker was pulled. Each 4-woman team had their own deck and who ever finished going through the deck first would choose 4 new exercises to do. Actually I found this to be extremely fun, yet still challenging. The sun once again beat down on us and it got to be so bad I did most of my exercising inside the gym where it wasn't really cooler but shadier. Luckily, I didn't get nauseous. My stomach wasn't 100 per cent but much better than the past two days.

So week one is complete. I can rest. There was a quote on the white board again at Cynergy. "The weekend is here, you can rest then, but not now."
I am proud to say that I finished week one and I'm still standing. One day at a time as the saying goes. This boot camp is exactly what I've been looking for. I'm already thinking about November. Not sure if I could do another month so soon. More importantly, I may not want to spend the is close to Christmas. But I would like to do something so I stay working out at Cynergy, that's how much I like it. I will have to talk to Cyndi about it.

Gut Instinct: Food is Fuel. Just make sure it is the right fuel for the exercise.

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