Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Muscle (and Callous) Building

Woke up feeling nauseous. I made myself get up and try to eat. All I could eat was an apple which isn't really enough but my stomach was so upset I figured it was better than nothing. I made it to Cynergy this morning and as I read the white board I thought it didn't look like too tough a day. Boy was I wrong! An amazing workout!

We started with a short circuit of 4 exercises. First for 30 seconds, then for 45 seconds. We did the rowing machine, sit-ups, wall ball (throwing a weighted ball against the wall) and PVC thrusts (hold a pvc pipe, squat and thrust the pvc over head). The we did some skills training to prepare for the WOD (Workout of the day) and we did thrusts with weighted barbells.-5 thrusts 3 times. Next off to the bars--grab an overhead bar and swing the body. I had a tough time doing them. Can't lift my own weight---bottom heavy, weak arms--hahaha. But I did start to build some callouses--a rite of passage as many of the veteran Crossfitters have them and many wear gloves.
The workout of the day was called "FRAN" --many workouts are named after hurricanes (and usually female names I think) because (I am assuming) the speed and the power of the workout is like a hurricane.
It was a 21-15-9 day which means first you do 21 reps on each of the exercises, then 15, then 9 and it is timed as well. But time isn't as important as form and doing each rep correctly.
The two exercises we had to do were:
Pull-ups (at the bar) Or in my case I used the rings and jumped to get my chin above my hands. I'll work up to the bar.
Thrusts (not sure this is the right name but it will be listed on the Cynergy blog) I used a 35 pound barbell and I squatted then thrust the weighted barbell over my head. My butt is supposed to hit the ball behind me and I'm getting close I actually hit my butt there once today! The power is supposed to come from your legs as you get up from the squat. It really feels different when you use your legs to get it over your head versus trying to just use arm power.
My time was 10:02 with 35 pound weights so next time I can see improvement hopefully.
Red-faced and sweaty I stretched and felt better leaving there than when I got there!

Gut Instinct: If you wake up feeling tired, nauseous, or just feeling blah, make yourself get up and get moving, eat something, it may go away. If it's nothing too bad, go workout, you may end up feeling better.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

No Gas No workout

Today I could not get to CrossFit because I had no the car that is. And no cash on hand and the bank doesn't open until 8:30 and I don't have credit or debit cards. I'd like to maybe try going to a late afternoon class if I don't make the morning. I'll have to get more info on that. I had to work at the bookstore today and I came home and primed my family room walls because I am painting the wall and floor this week. That's a work out too...I was sweating. It was so hot today I probably wouldn't have wanted to do the workout today. Lots of running according to Cynergy's blog. Check out their blog at the link to the right.

Well I went to the bank and then I went and filled my gas tank so I have no excuse about not going tomorrow other than the fact that it is 11:40 pm and I should be getting some sleep. So I will sign off and say good night!

Gut Instinct: Not only do cars need fuel to run; bodies do too. Fuel well and often!

Monday, July 7, 2008


After a very long and overindulgent ( food and alcohol) holiday weekend I looked forward to working out at Cynergy. I am a little nervous when I go to CrossFit because I never know what to expect and it seems much more intense than boot camp. I could go to 7 am boot camp but it's still early for me PLUS I am ready for the change and challenge of CrossFit.

As par my normal routine, I got up late and grabbed an apple, some peanut butter (I have to have protein in the a.m.) and a bottle of water. Today was the first day of the boot camps so there were a few boot campers finishing up. Went inside and read the white board for the day's event or workout. When I saw what was in store I was glad I ate--food is fuel and this workout needs alot of fuel!

Today's workout started with push-ups, squats, hanging from bar and chin to knees followed by stretching. The main event involved alot of weight lifting. We did a little skills work and then went on to individual work. This was a tabata which means you work for 20 seconds with 10 seconds rest for 8 rounds. No one seems to know what tabata means...I came up with this:
Toned Abs Bootylicious Ass Through Ass-kicking (workout) because if I did tabata everyday I think it would whip me into shape FAST!But thank goodness it isn't everyday...but anyway here's the workout.
First: Back Squat with barbell-supposed to be 45 pounds but after 2 rounds I had to switch to 25 pounds. Working my way up. You put the weight behind you with the bar on your back and squat (your butt should touch the ball behind you. I get close but not there yet.
My low number (which we had to post on the whiteboard) was 6.
Second: Dead Lift next--some women did 95 pounds, I did 65. I love this one even though I'm working on getting my form right. Bend at knees with back straight and chin up and lift to hip area. I think my low number was 3.
Third: Push Press: Again with the barbell-and 45 pounds.-but I did 25. Pick up the barbell and bend knees then PUSH the weight over your head as you straighten your legs. 5 was my low number.
Fourth: Push-Ups-working more with form so I did push-ups on my knees so that I could have better range of motion and get closer to the floor. 4 was my low number (I think).

It was a sweaty workout but I felt great when we did the stretching at the end. I always leave feeling exhilarated!!

Gut Instinct: Food is Fuel and you need to FUEL you body before intense workouts like tabata. But even if you're walking or doing some light weights always FUEL YOUR BODY FIRST.

Friday, July 4, 2008

It's great to be Cynergy Training

Happy 4th of July!!

WOW! Alot of time has passed and alot has happened since my last post in November. Friendships have changed, lost some old ones, made some new ones. Still trying to eat intuitively and focusing more on clean eating. Discovered I may have a gluten sensitivity so I am working hard to change eating habits still.
Also, been writing pretty regularly for South Shore Living and Cape Cod magazines. Teaching lots of classes on feng shui and Angelspeake (TM). I just taught at Uplifting Connections in Bridgewater and this month at Heaven on Earth in Abington. I became an Advanced Angel Messenger and a certified Angelspeake facilitator and also became attuned to Reiki I and II.

Most importantly and the point of this blog is that I have gone back to Cynergy Training in Hanson!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish I had gone all winter long. I really missed it and the people. I started back at boot camp in April. Loved it. Went to boot camp in May. Loved it. June's boot camp was a little harder to get more 9 a.m. boot camp...I'm not a morning person and I wanted to work out with one of my favorite trainers, Colleen, and she was only doing the 6 a.m. boot camp. The first week I actually got up and made it there on time. I couldn't believe the amount of people there at that time of the morning!! There were so many people between the 5 and 6 a.m. classes I had a hard time finding a parking space. I had no idea so many crazy people worked out so early!! LOL
Just kidding all you early morning boot campers and crossfitters!! I'm actually a little envious of your early rising ability!

Honestly though, I wish I was a natural morning person and work out that early because it was great the times I did get there. The workout energizes and you have the whole day ahead of you. Needless to say I missed alot of workouts in June because of oversleeping or having to be home for the kids. I know I have no excuse for not working out because there are boot camps in the afternoon/evening but I never attempted to go. One reason is I like to know who is doing the training and if it isn't Cindy, Keith or Colleen or Kara, I feel a little "shy" or uncomfortable. I know I shouldn't be I just have to get over that. All the trainers at Cynergy are wonderful!!

This week is the 4th of July holiday week and the week between boot camps. I did manage to get to Cynergy Monday and Wednesday for CrossFit which is like boot camp but with more intensity I think. I had hoped to go to day (the 4th) but I stayed up too late with company. Boot camp starts on Monday and I could go to the 7 am boot camp but I am moving indoors to CrossFit.

I'm back to blogging because when I was blogging before I was losing weight and working out consistently. I like having someplace to share my experiences, good and bad eating days, tough workouts and hearing from readers. I want this blog to be a place where you can share your clean and healthy eating experiences and your workout trials and triumphs so please keep me on task and write back/comment on my blog and let me know how YOU are doing.

Gut Instinct: Sharing health and fitness tips with each other is fun, inspiring and motivating!!