Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Boot Camp Second Time Around

After talking to Cindy (owner/trainer/coach at Cynergy) I decided to do as many days of boot camp as I can and pay her in installments...depending on the frequency of my workouts. I'm concerned that I may not be able to keep the pace of Mon-Fri workouts during this busy month. So far this week I have gone to the first three days of boot camp and if I can't make a day I can always got to a different time or go to metabolic training. Also, if I feel I can't make a day then I won't feel badly about it. However my goal is to go as many days as I can. I want to get in shape and boost my metabolism even more.

I am frustrated that the weight isn't falling off as it should. But after the horrendous eating weekend I had I can't expect too much to come off these past few days. I am seriously hoping that I can lower or eliminate my blood pressure drugs because I feel that I can't drop the weight because of the beta blockers I am on and the ACE inhibitors. From what I could find on WebMD and other medical sites, beta blockers can cause weight gain and a slowing of metabolism. I want to keep my heart safe because I do have palpitations and other heart issues and I know the pills help but doesn't it also help my blood pressure to lose weight?

As far as food, I don't know if I am eating enough or not enough. My nutritionist Noelle set me up on a menu plan but I don't know what the calorie count is. I think it's 1500 so maybe I need more. To eat less would probably not be enough. Got to have fuel for the workouts.

But as far as boot camp is concerned, these first few days were definitely easier than the last time. I did more push-ups, sit-ups, squats and I even did the burpees a little better. It felt good to not have such low numbers.

I also did not have as much pain the next day after the workouts. The new people were hurting today and I had almost no muscle pain. Today was a tough workout and I felt like I was running out of steam. I try not to eat too much before because I do get nauseous. I had one whole wheat waffle with lite syrup one hour before camp. My energy level dropped as the workout went on. I should have had a little protein with it. Alot of running today too. One of these days I will be able to run a full 1/2 mile or mile without having to stop or switch to walking. My legs felt like they could keep going but my lungs and breathing struggled.

Gut Instinct: Don't give up if the scale isn't moving. It's not all about the pounds.

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